The FDA’s ground rules for IQOS may have lessons for Canada


Last month, Philip Morris began selling the heated tobacco IQOS devices and sticks in the United States. This is almost 3 years after they were marketed in Canada. The reason for the delay was that the US Food and Drug Administration would not permit the sale of this or any other new tobacco product until...

“The JUUL design seems like a play out of the tobacco industry’s playbook” – David Kessler, US FDA Commissioner 1990-1997


Dr. Kessler, former Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was talking to the media this week about the problems with the JUUL vaping product. He predicted that JUUL and other similarly designed vaping products are unlikely to be approved by the FDA. (After May 2020, the FDA will be reviewing each e-cigarette design to decide...

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Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada
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Ottawa, Ontario

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