A Canada Day holiday – and the start date for several tobacco control regulations.


Health Authorities have a tendency to use the first days of January and July as the moment when regulations come into force. And so it is that this week a number of changes to the tobacco and vaping regulations are taking effect. Links to more detailed fact sheets are at the bottom of this post. Federal...

Getting rid of the e-cigarette additives which make it easier for kids to get hooked


One of the key accusations against JUUL made in the lawsuits that were discussed here last week  is how that manufacturer used nicotine salts to increase the amount of nicotine absorbed from its e-cigarettes. This blog and our recent fact sheet provide reasons to regulate the use of nicotine salts in e-cigarettes/vaping products. Nicotine salts are recognized as a...

Using consumer protection laws to strengthen tobacco control


Last week two more U.S. states filed lawsuits against JUUL, alleging that the company has mislead consumers and asking their courts to do what their legislatures cannot — force the company to suspend certain deceptive marketing activities. This week, Canadian governments will be facing the tobacco industry in insolvency court as a result of their...

This week Israel became the first country to implement plain packaging of e-cigarettes.


On January the 8th, several elements of Israel’s law prohibiting advertising of tobacco and smoking products came into effect. Among these were requirements that tobacco products and smoking products (including e-cigarettes,  heat not burn products like IQOS, and non-tobacco products designed for smoking like shisha) be sold in generic packages. In addition to plain packaging, the...

Finland’s strong controls on e-cigarettes include a ban on flavours.


Recently the academic journal Tobacco Control published a new study on Finland’s experience with banning flavours in e-cigarettes. In this paper, Eeva Ollila of the Cancer Society of Finland analyzed the legal challenges and defiance to the law by manufacturers and retailers, and identified the need for greater controls at the EU and other levels. See you in...

“The JUUL design seems like a play out of the tobacco industry’s playbook” – David Kessler, US FDA Commissioner 1990-1997


Dr. Kessler, former Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was talking to the media this week about the problems with the JUUL vaping product. He predicted that JUUL and other similarly designed vaping products are unlikely to be approved by the FDA. (After May 2020, the FDA will be reviewing each e-cigarette design to decide...

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Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada
134 Caroline Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario

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