Trends in overall nicotine use in Canada.


For many decades, health regulators have focused on cigarette smoking as their indicator of tobacco and nicotine use. Around the world, statistical agencies ask variations of the questions “do you smoke cigarettes?” “when did you start smoking cigarettes?” “how many cigarettes do you smoke?” and use the answers to assess the success or failure of their...

The New Year and quitting smoking: what the data tell us.


For millenia the New Year has brought with it an expectation of personal improvement, and for many smokers that means trying (often again!) to quit smoking. This post looks at newly-available data from the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) which sheds some light on the quitting behaviour of Canadian smokers. (The charts shown below and the data...

Tidbits from Health Canada’s new Smoker and Vaper Panels


Over the last week, two major surveys on smoking and vaping commissioned by Health Canada were disclosed.  Both were conducted by Environics Research and managed under the framework of Government of Canada Public Opinion Research. Reports on these surveys are available from the Library of Canada at the following links: Smokers Panel Baseline Survey 2022...

An update on tobacco sales and tax revenues in Canada


This post provides updated information on cigarette sales and tobacco taxes in Canada. Links to Fact sheets with the data reflected in the figures below are provided at the bottom of the post. 1) Total tobacco tax revenues in Canada continue to fall – and more quickly than predicted by tax officials. Overall, tobacco tax revenues...

Update on e-liquid flavour restrictions


Almost 14 months have passed since Health Canada published draft regulations to restrict the flavourings and chemicals that could be used by e-liquid manufacturers. in vaping liquids. This post reports on developments in Canada and elsewhere that are related to restricting e-cigarette flavours. Links to more information are provided at the end of the post. Lots of...

Newly-released data shows quitting rates are stagnant — and most vapers are not reducing harm


This post reports on the results of data provided by Statistics Canada as a custom tabulation (purchased data extraction). The data cited in this post are linked at the bottom of this page, as are notes on concerns about the impact of COVID-19 on the 2020 survey results. The CCHS Rapid Response module helped fill...

The enforcement of Canada’s tobacco and vaping laws.


This post reports on efforts by Canadian governments to ensure that retailers of vaping products follow provincial and federal laws, and identifies where official and community reports on enforcement action can be found. VAPING Federal enforcement of restrictions on vaping marketing.  Since 2019, Health Canada has proactively disclosed reports on its activities to ensure compliance...

Targetting high prevalence populations.


Last week Canada’s new Ministers of Health and Mental Health, the Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos and the Hon. Carolyn Bennett, issued a joint statement on tobacco.   In this statement the Ministers introduced a two new elements to the federal plan: the intention to follow a “people-centred approach” and an adjustment to priority populations to include  “those suffering...

The vaping industry compliance deficit


This week Health Canada released the results of its inspections of the instagram accounts of Canadian vaping suppliers. Just over half (53%) of the 304 suppliers failed inspection. The industry fared somewhat better on this test than they did on the previous round of inspections of their retail stores in the summer and fall of 2019. On those occasions, fewer than 1...

Six Insights from the (newly released) Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey.


Earlier this week, Statistics Canada made available the public use microfile for the second wave of the Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey. The agency has further modernized its data release methods, and the file is easily accessible to the public. This post looks at some key findings from this survey – more detail and data tables are...

Recent press releases


Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada
134 Caroline Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario

‌  ‌‌‌613 600 5794
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