BAT shoehorns its nicotine pouches onto the Canadian market


On Tuesday this week, Health Canada made public its decision to issue a natural health food license to a subsidiary of British American Tobacco. As a result, British American Tobacco has become the first manufacturer to be authorized to market nicotine pouches in Canada. This federal license, issued on July 18, 2023, allows BAT/Nicoventures authority to...

On this World No Tobacco Day, it’s time to call for a No-Tobacco Canada


Ottawa, Montreal, Edmonton, May 29, 2023 – On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day 2023, tobacco control organizations are calling on governments to use the historic opportunity of tobacco manufacturers’ facing bankruptcy and concentrate their efforts at winding up commercial tobacco companies in Canada. They urge governments to recognize that a monetary settlement that...

Des médecins cherchent à obtenir une ordonnance de la Cour fédérale afin de forcer Santé Canada de se conformer à la loi sur le tabac


La production du rapport obligatoire affiche un retard de plus de cinq mois (Ottawa–le 15 novembre 2022) Une ONG nationale de santé a fait une demande hier auprès de la Cour fédérale pour qu’elle ordonne à Santé Canada de compléter son analyse, dont la production tarde, de la Loi sur le tabac et les produits de...

Doctors seek Federal Court Order to Force Health Canada to Comply with Tobacco Law


Mandatory Report More Than Five Months Overdue (Ottawa – November 14, 2022) Today a national health charity applied for a Federal Court order directing Health Canada to complete its overdue review of the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act and to present the results to Parliament. “The law is crystal clear” said Dr. Atul Kapur, president...

An update on tobacco sales and tax revenues in Canada


This post provides updated information on cigarette sales and tobacco taxes in Canada. Links to Fact sheets with the data reflected in the figures below are provided at the bottom of the post. 1) Total tobacco tax revenues in Canada continue to fall – and more quickly than predicted by tax officials. Overall, tobacco tax revenues...

Parliamentarians urged to revisit the tobacco and vaping law they approved four years ago.


  EDMONTON, AB and OTTAWA, ON and MONTREAL, May 28, 2022 – Health organizations are calling on Senators and Members of Parliament to address the weaknesses in the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act (TVPA) which they passed in the spring of 2018. “Four years later, the flaws in the law and the weaknesses in the strategy it supported are increasingly apparent,” said Cynthia...

NNSW – Progress towards implementing the advice of Canada’s Chief Medical Officers of Health


The overarching objectives of these recommendations are to protect young people from inducements to use vaping devices by regulating such devices as equivalent to tobacco products, and to encourage smokers who use vaping devices to use them solely to end or reduce their use of all nicotine-containing products. Council of Chief Medical Officers of Health...

Guess who’s behind Canada’s vapers’ protest movement?


European journalists recently investigated the relationship between public opposition to e-cigarette regulation and tobacco companies and other corporate interests. Last week their findings were published in the French newspaper of record, Le Monde: VAPING: The real dollars behind fake consumer organisations. While their focus was mostly on activities in Europe, the report also spotlighted connections between...

The vaping industry compliance deficit


This week Health Canada released the results of its inspections of the instagram accounts of Canadian vaping suppliers. Just over half (53%) of the 304 suppliers failed inspection. The industry fared somewhat better on this test than they did on the previous round of inspections of their retail stores in the summer and fall of 2019. On those occasions, fewer than 1...

Six Insights from the (newly released) Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey.


Earlier this week, Statistics Canada made available the public use microfile for the second wave of the Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey. The agency has further modernized its data release methods, and the file is easily accessible to the public. This post looks at some key findings from this survey – more detail and data tables are...

Recent press releases


Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada
134 Caroline Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario

‌  ‌‌‌613 600 5794
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