Doctors’ group calls on new Health Ministers to revamp Canada’s Tobacco Control Strategy


In advance of the beginning of Canada’s 44th parliament, Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada (PSC) has written the new Minister and Associate Minister of Health to recommend priority actions to reduce tobacco use. The letter can be read here. The health charity urges the ministers to address two key weaknesses in the federal approach to tobacco...

New poll shows support for a course correction to Health Canada’s tobacco strategy


(Ottawa and Montreal) – A poll conducted for Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada and the Quebec Tobacco Control Coalition shows key elements of Health Canada’s approach to reducing smoking are out of line with public opinion. “A few years ago the federal government shifted its focus away from regulating tobacco products and towards a vaping...

New vaping regulations are urgently needed — as are larger reforms of Canada’s approach to tobacco companies


Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada welcomes the federal regulatory measures announced today to protect young people and non-smokers from the marketing of highly-addictive and enticingly flavoured vaping products. The new limits on the amount of nicotine that is permitted in vaping liquids will protect many young people from addiction. This measure will be in place...

Federal budget will trigger much-needed price increases for tobacco and vaping products


(Ottawa – April 19, 2021) Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada welcomes the measures included in today’s federal budget to increase taxes on tobacco products and to implement a new tax on vaping products. “These are long overdue and important steps to help protect Canadian children,” said Cynthia Callard, Executive Director. “Tobacco products in Canada are...

Tobacco litigation: another extension granted to tobacco manufacturers


Quebec Coalition for Tobacco Control – Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada New study shows consumption reduction targets would generate more savings for Ontario and Quebec than any realistic monetary settlement Ottawa, Montréal, September 29th 2020 — Today, the Ontario Court granted tobacco companies an additional six-month protection under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA), renewing...

British Columbia’s new regulations will help protect children and adults from harmful nicotine marketing


Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada today welcomed British Columbia’s new regulations to protect young people from tobacco and vaping industry marketing. “Last year Brritish Columbia was the first Canadian jurisdiction to develop a comprehensie strategy to address the youth vaping crisis,” said executive Director Cynthia Callard. “The regulatory measures that were advanced today as part of that...

Health Organizations challenge JUUL and Rona Ambrose to ban flavours and reduce nicotine content in all of its vaping products


Action on Smoking & Health Ontario Campaign for Action on Tobacco Quebec Coalition for Tobacco Control Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Edmonton – Nicotine giant Juul and its latest board member—former Canadian Health Minister Rona Ambrose—are being challenged to extend new restrictions on vaping products in Nova Scotia to all of its...

“After two years, it is clear that Canada’s vaping law is a failure.”


Action on Smoking & Health Coalition québécoise pour le contrôle du tabac Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada A revised law is needed to flatten the curve on this new wave of nicotine addiction. (Ottawa – Montreal – Edmonton) – On the second anniversary of the federal Tobacco and Vaping Products Act (TVPA) coming into force, tobacco control...

Misinformation? Absolutely. That’s why we complained to the Competition Bureau


For the past several weeks, Imperial Tobacco has been ramping up its “Facts not Fear” campaign. Their clear message — as shown in a display in a local Ottawa shopping mall — is that vaping products are not as harmful as health scientists are claiming. Well, we’ve been down this road before. In the 1950s...

Response to Health Canada’s proposals to protect children from vaping promotions


We welcome the steps taken today by Health Canada to restrict e-cigarette promotions as an important initial step towards the comprehensive measures that are needed to protect children from vaping. We are especially pleased to see the Hon. Patty Hajdu make these proposals so quickly after she assumed responsibilities as the federal Minister of Health....

Recent press releases


Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada
134 Caroline Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario

‌  ‌‌‌613 600 5794
@‌  psc (at)