Medicago, Philip Morris and Health Canada: A predictable and avoidable fiasco


Action on Smoking & Health (ASH) – Coalition québécoise pour le contrôle du tabac – Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada Health groups urge the Federal government to pressure Medicago to align its approach with that of the World Health Organization Edmonton, Ottawa, Montreal, March 22, 2022 — Canadian health groups are supporting the reported refusal of the World...

Guess who’s behind Canada’s vapers’ protest movement?


European journalists recently investigated the relationship between public opposition to e-cigarette regulation and tobacco companies and other corporate interests. Last week their findings were published in the French newspaper of record, Le Monde: VAPING: The real dollars behind fake consumer organisations. While their focus was mostly on activities in Europe, the report also spotlighted connections between...

Five large Canadian public pension plans have said “no” to tobacco investments.


For most Canadian workers, ten and a half cents on every pay-cheque dollar is deducted as a contribution to our national public pension program. Workers in Quebec contribute to the Quebec Pension Plan, and their contributions are invested by the Caisse de Dépot et placement du Québec (the Caisse). In all other provinces, workers must contribute...

Big tobacco funds and controls the new Vaping Industry Trade Association (VITA)


[NB: On December 4th, VITA issued a statement objecting to and correcting some of the information provided in this blog. The original blog appears below, but is now annotated with reference to their objections and corrections.] Last week the first webinar was held between the Vaping Industry Trade Association (VITA) and its membership. Unexpectedly, one of...

Everything old is new again: Tobacco companies set up a lobbying arm to fight vaping regulations.


The news on page 3 of this morning’s edition of the Globe and Mail was a report from Carly Weeks that Canada’s 3 big tobacco companies have set up a new lobby group to oppose vaping regulations. Surprise, Surprise. In fairness, the news was already 3 weeks old. The launch of the Vaping Industry Trade Association (VITA) was announced through...

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Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada
134 Caroline Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario

‌  ‌‌‌613 600 5794
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