New poll shows support for a course correction to Health Canada’s tobacco strategy


(Ottawa and Montreal) – A poll conducted for Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada and the Quebec Tobacco Control Coalition shows key elements of Health Canada’s approach to reducing smoking are out of line with public opinion. “A few years ago the federal government shifted its focus away from regulating tobacco products and towards a vaping...

Smoking rates have fallen — but maybe not for the reason you think.


Last week Statistics Canada made available the Public Use Microdata from the Canadian Community Health Survey conducted in 2017 and 2018.  The gift of a 1000 variables! The Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) is the doyen of Statistics Canada’s health surveillance system. For 2 decades, government pollsters have used this survey to find explore the health and...

Insights from the recent Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey


Three months ago, Statistics Canada released some results from the Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey (CTNS) This is a one-time survey conducted between the end of October and mid-December in 2019. The survey was taken by 8,600 Canadians, fewer than half of those who were asked to do so (a response rate of 44%). Statistics Canada...

Survey suggests biggest impact of legalizing e-cigs has been on kids.


Today Statistics Canada released the first government survey since e-cigarettes were legalized — the one-time Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey. This survey was conducted of Canadians over 15 years of age in November and December  of 2019. It came after a long drought. Monitoring of e-cigarette use became a casualty of the restructuring of Health...

Smokers tell Health Canada they have concerns about being encouraged to switch to vaping.


More public opinion research results have recently appeared on the Library of Canada web-site. Among them are the results of two series of focus groups conducted as part of the overhaul of health warning messages (HWM) that are printed on the outside of tobacco product packages and Health Information Messages (HIM) that are printed on the...

Yet more federal government opinion research on vaping


Last spring the federal Privy Council Office (the department which serves the Prime Minister and Cabinet) commissioned a series of focus groups across Canada to gain information on a number of topical issues. The topics ranged greatly, with Canadians being asked for their input on possible names for national pharmacare and climate plans, to their...

Newly-released Health Canada research provides insight into young vapers


Last week, Health Canada made public its plans to ban advertising of vaping products wherever they can be seen or heard by youth. At the same time, they also released two surveys that provide information and insight into young people’s vaping behaviours. These surveys are: The Canadian Student Tobacco Alcohol and Drug Survey (CSTADS). This survey...

Health Canada consumer research on vapers’ attitudes to flavours


Last February, 2,027 Canadian vapers sat down at a computer and answered a questionnaire prepared by Environics Research on behalf of Health Canada. Six months later, the report summarizing their answers has been available at the Library of Canada. (Link: POR 083-18 Vapers Panel Survey to Measure Attitudes and Behaviours Regarding Vaping Products). The results provide...

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Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada
134 Caroline Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario

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