Using consumer protection laws to strengthen tobacco control


Last week two more U.S. states filed lawsuits against JUUL, alleging that the company has mislead consumers and asking their courts to do what their legislatures cannot — force the company to suspend certain deceptive marketing activities. This week, Canadian governments will be facing the tobacco industry in insolvency court as a result of their...

Weedless Wednesday 2020: The future of tobacco in Canada is on the table. Literally.


For more than 40 years, Canadian smokers have been encouraged to see “Weedless Wednesday” as an opportunity to make a quit attempt, as Canadian health systems use the week around it (National Non Smoking Week) to focus efforts on helping communities abandon tobacco use. While in former decades this was a week of multiple announcements...

Response to Health Canada’s proposals to protect children from vaping promotions


We welcome the steps taken today by Health Canada to restrict e-cigarette promotions as an important initial step towards the comprehensive measures that are needed to protect children from vaping. We are especially pleased to see the Hon. Patty Hajdu make these proposals so quickly after she assumed responsibilities as the federal Minister of Health....

The FDA’s ground rules for IQOS may have lessons for Canada


Last month, Philip Morris began selling the heated tobacco IQOS devices and sticks in the United States. This is almost 3 years after they were marketed in Canada. The reason for the delay was that the US Food and Drug Administration would not permit the sale of this or any other new tobacco product until...

“The JUUL design seems like a play out of the tobacco industry’s playbook” – David Kessler, US FDA Commissioner 1990-1997


Dr. Kessler, former Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was talking to the media this week about the problems with the JUUL vaping product. He predicted that JUUL and other similarly designed vaping products are unlikely to be approved by the FDA. (After May 2020, the FDA will be reviewing each e-cigarette design to decide...

Alberta budget: “The government intends to implement a tax on vaping products.”


Yesterday Alberta became the first province to say that it intends to put a tax on vaping products. The measure was announced in the province’s annual budget. What took so long? Why are other governments not taking action? By any number of criteria, health-oriented taxes and price controls are needed on vaping products, just as...

Public health leaders strengthen their call for action on vaping


The power to speak  Medical officers of health have special responsibilities and powers in the Canadian health system. Although they work for municipal, provincial and federal governments, many have the authority to speak out about health risks without having to get approval from elected officials. Federal law, for example, gives Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, Dr....

Health groups call for immediate federal action to protect young people from the risks of vaping products.


Canadian Cancer Society, Canadian Lung Association, Canadian Medical Association Heart & Stroke, Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada, Action on Smoking and Health (Alberta), Quebec Coalition for Tobacco Control, Ontario Campaign for Action on Tobacco Protection delayed is protection denied: Health groups call for immediate federal action to protect young people from the risks of vaping products. Today...

Why so anodyne? Canadians need strong, effective and truthful warnings on e-cigarette packages


Why so anodyne? Canadians need strong, effective and truthful warnings on vaping packages The federal government summer season of no-big-decisions usually runs from third week of June (St. Jean Baptiste Day) to the first week of September (Labour Day). Yet on the eve of this traditionally slow time, Health Canada handed public health groups with...

Health groups call on provinces to shut down creditor protection for tobacco companies


Action on Smoking and Health, Campaign for Justice on Tobacco Fraud, Coalition québécoise pour le contrôle du tabac, Ontario Campaign for Action on Tobacco, Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada Tobacco control organizations from across Canada are calling on provincial ministers of health and justice to oppose the use of the federal Companies’ Creditor Arrangement Act...


Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada
134 Caroline Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario

‌  ‌‌‌613 600 5794
@‌  psc (at)