The economic benefits of getting to 5% prevalence


The federal government has set the goal of reducing smoking rates in Canada to less than 5% by 2035. But are we on track to getting there? And are there economic benefits to governments and citizens if we do? This summer, the Quebec Coalition for Tobacco Control and Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada commissioned Dr....

Tobacco litigation: another extension granted to tobacco manufacturers


Quebec Coalition for Tobacco Control – Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada New study shows consumption reduction targets would generate more savings for Ontario and Quebec than any realistic monetary settlement Ottawa, Montréal, September 29th 2020 — Today, the Ontario Court granted tobacco companies an additional six-month protection under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA), renewing...

Smoking and Income: Insights from the Canadian Community Health Survey


Earlier this summer, Statistics Canada released data files for the 2017-2018 Canadian Community Health Survey. This post is one of an occasional series which reviews this data for information on smoking patterns in Canada. Today’s post is the first to look at the relationship between income and smoking behaviour. Inequities in income and smoking behaviour...

Industry raises prices – AGAIN – while taxes remain largely unchanged


In mid-August, Imperial Tobacco again raised prices on its tobacco products. As shown in the price list circulated to retailers and pasted below, they are now charging from $2.50 to $4.50 more per carton in Ontario. Price increases in other provinces have not yet been located, but they are usually imposed at the same time....

Prince Edward Island bans flavoured e-cigarettes – effective March 1, 2021.


Prince Edward Island becomes the second Canadian province to formalize a comprehensive ban on flavoured vaping products. The ban will come into effect at the beginning of next March, after which only tobacco-flavoured e-cigarettes will be legal for sale. The decision is reflected in the Orders in Council EC2020-489 signed on August 11, 2020: 1. Section 1.1...

Confusion and non-compliance: One month into new vaping regulations.


Despite federal and provincial regulations, high-nicotine flavoured products with substandard warnings continue to be sold in convenience stores in Ontario. Whether they will be allowed to continue to do so is still not clear. July 1: New rules come into force At the beginning of July the rules for selling vaping products changed substantially in...

Will British Columbia be the world’s second jurisdiction to require plain packaging of e-cigarettes?


There may be a very important sleeper among the suite of measures to address youth vaping announced by the British Columbia government yesterday. One of the regulations introduced by minister of health Adrian Dix is a requirement that all vaping liquids be sold in plainish packages by mid-September. The regulation does not apply to packaging of the...

British Columbia’s new regulations will help protect children and adults from harmful nicotine marketing


Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada today welcomed British Columbia’s new regulations to protect young people from tobacco and vaping industry marketing. “Last year Brritish Columbia was the first Canadian jurisdiction to develop a comprehensie strategy to address the youth vaping crisis,” said executive Director Cynthia Callard. “The regulatory measures that were advanced today as part of that...

Five large Canadian public pension plans have said “no” to tobacco investments.


For most Canadian workers, ten and a half cents on every pay-cheque dollar is deducted as a contribution to our national public pension program. Workers in Quebec contribute to the Quebec Pension Plan, and their contributions are invested by the Caisse de Dépot et placement du Québec (the Caisse). In all other provinces, workers must contribute...

A Canada Day holiday – and the start date for several tobacco control regulations.


Health Authorities have a tendency to use the first days of January and July as the moment when regulations come into force. And so it is that this week a number of changes to the tobacco and vaping regulations are taking effect. Links to more detailed fact sheets are at the bottom of this post. Federal...


Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada
134 Caroline Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario

‌  ‌‌‌613 600 5794
@‌  psc (at)