Confusion and non-compliance: One month into new vaping regulations.


Despite federal and provincial regulations, high-nicotine flavoured products with substandard warnings continue to be sold in convenience stores in Ontario. Whether they will be allowed to continue to do so is still not clear. July 1: New rules come into force At the beginning of July the rules for selling vaping products changed substantially in...

Health Organizations challenge JUUL and Rona Ambrose to ban flavours and reduce nicotine content in all of its vaping products


Action on Smoking & Health Ontario Campaign for Action on Tobacco Quebec Coalition for Tobacco Control Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Edmonton – Nicotine giant Juul and its latest board member—former Canadian Health Minister Rona Ambrose—are being challenged to extend new restrictions on vaping products in Nova Scotia to all of its...

Using consumer protection laws to strengthen tobacco control


Last week two more U.S. states filed lawsuits against JUUL, alleging that the company has mislead consumers and asking their courts to do what their legislatures cannot — force the company to suspend certain deceptive marketing activities. This week, Canadian governments will be facing the tobacco industry in insolvency court as a result of their...

The “heterogeneity” of the vaping market and why it can hinder regulation-making


A key challenge for health regulators when facing emerging nicotine devices is the complexity and change in that market place. Unlike cigarettes, which researchers and regulators have generally treated as identical products across geography and time, next generation products like e-cigarettes vary greatly in their design, contents  and marketing from place to another and from...

Big tobacco funds and controls the new Vaping Industry Trade Association (VITA)


[NB: On December 4th, VITA issued a statement objecting to and correcting some of the information provided in this blog. The original blog appears below, but is now annotated with reference to their objections and corrections.] Last week the first webinar was held between the Vaping Industry Trade Association (VITA) and its membership. Unexpectedly, one of...

How cheap will vaping products get before we see price as part of the youth vaping problem?


A price war is underway among the four main manufacturers of the pod-style vaping products that are sold in convenience stores. Over the fall, each of the companies which sell these JUUL-type products has reduced its retail and/or on-line prices. The cost of a tellingly-labelled “starter kit” for JUUL imitators (Logic and Vype) is now...

“The JUUL design seems like a play out of the tobacco industry’s playbook” – David Kessler, US FDA Commissioner 1990-1997


Dr. Kessler, former Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was talking to the media this week about the problems with the JUUL vaping product. He predicted that JUUL and other similarly designed vaping products are unlikely to be approved by the FDA. (After May 2020, the FDA will be reviewing each e-cigarette design to decide...

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Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada
134 Caroline Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario

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