Another new year, another round of tobacco manufacturers’ price increases.


This week Canadian tobacco companies raised the price they charge to retailers for cigarettes and other toabcco products. This month the price (per cigarette) went up by 1 to 1.5 cents in in most parts of Canada ($2.50 to $3.60 per carton), as shown in the memo sent by Imperial Tobacco to retailers on December...

Canadian government revenues from tobacco taxes: an update


Every year federal and provincial governments provide the public with financial reports, including information on how much revenue the have collected in tobacco taxes.  The last of these ‘Public Accounts’ for the last fiscal year (April 1 2018 to March 31 2019) was tabled in the House of Commons last week. Time for an update...

Big tobacco funds and controls the new Vaping Industry Trade Association (VITA)


[NB: On December 4th, VITA issued a statement objecting to and correcting some of the information provided in this blog. The original blog appears below, but is now annotated with reference to their objections and corrections.] Last week the first webinar was held between the Vaping Industry Trade Association (VITA) and its membership. Unexpectedly, one of...

How cheap will vaping products get before we see price as part of the youth vaping problem?


A price war is underway among the four main manufacturers of the pod-style vaping products that are sold in convenience stores. Over the fall, each of the companies which sell these JUUL-type products has reduced its retail and/or on-line prices. The cost of a tellingly-labelled “starter kit” for JUUL imitators (Logic and Vype) is now...

ICYMI: How e-cigarettes can break your heart


Last week yet another published study raised concerns about health impact of e-cigarettes. Much of the attention this fall has been on injuries to the lung, especially the Ee-cigarette or vaping product associated lung injury (EVALI) that has been experienced by thousands of American vapers and a much smaller number in Canada. Less reported have been papers exploring...

Yet another novel nicotine product on the Canadian horizon: tobacco-less oral tobacco


l“An exciting new space” That’s how BAT’s category director Vincent Duhem described Oral Tobacco products to investors earlier this spring. Unlike vaping products, he pointed out, Oral tobacco had assets that other next generation products did not. Unlike vaping products, no device was required and it can be used in places where vaping is not...

Finland’s strong controls on e-cigarettes include a ban on flavours.


Recently the academic journal Tobacco Control published a new study on Finland’s experience with banning flavours in e-cigarettes. In this paper, Eeva Ollila of the Cancer Society of Finland analyzed the legal challenges and defiance to the law by manufacturers and retailers, and identified the need for greater controls at the EU and other levels. See you in...

“The JUUL design seems like a play out of the tobacco industry’s playbook” – David Kessler, US FDA Commissioner 1990-1997


Dr. Kessler, former Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was talking to the media this week about the problems with the JUUL vaping product. He predicted that JUUL and other similarly designed vaping products are unlikely to be approved by the FDA. (After May 2020, the FDA will be reviewing each e-cigarette design to decide...

Alberta budget: “The government intends to implement a tax on vaping products.”


Yesterday Alberta became the first province to say that it intends to put a tax on vaping products. The measure was announced in the province’s annual budget. What took so long? Why are other governments not taking action? By any number of criteria, health-oriented taxes and price controls are needed on vaping products, just as...

Public health leaders strengthen their call for action on vaping


The power to speak  Medical officers of health have special responsibilities and powers in the Canadian health system. Although they work for municipal, provincial and federal governments, many have the authority to speak out about health risks without having to get approval from elected officials. Federal law, for example, gives Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, Dr....


Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada
134 Caroline Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario

‌  ‌‌‌613 600 5794
@‌  psc (at)