The urgent need for a new nicotine regulatory framework


This week (November 17th) is the deadline for contributions to Health Canada’s legislative review of the federal tobacco law. The Minister is required by law to table a biennial report on the “provisions and operations” of the law no later that May 23, 2024. This post reports on the key recommendations contained in our response to...

BAT shoehorns its nicotine pouches onto the Canadian market


On Tuesday this week, Health Canada made public its decision to issue a natural health food license to a subsidiary of British American Tobacco. As a result, British American Tobacco has become the first manufacturer to be authorized to market nicotine pouches in Canada. This federal license, issued on July 18, 2023, allows BAT/Nicoventures authority to...

Health Canada’s vaping flavour ban is still missing in action.


It’s time to admit it is dead. In June 2021 Health Canada stated its intention to reduce youth vaping by removing flavourings from vaping liquids, and published draft regulations to that effect. Predictably, the release of the draft regulations was followed with noisy and prolonged protests and intensive lobbying by those in the business of selling these...

National Non Smoking Week through the rear-view mirror


National Non-Smoking Week is 46 years old this month. This is an occasion to reflect on how much has – and has not – changed over the past half century. This post looks at parallels in government tobbacco policy in 1977 and 2023, and what lessons we might take from this history. For many Canadians...

Doctors seek Federal Court Order to Force Health Canada to Comply with Tobacco Law


Mandatory Report More Than Five Months Overdue (Ottawa – November 14, 2022) Today a national health charity applied for a Federal Court order directing Health Canada to complete its overdue review of the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act and to present the results to Parliament. “The law is crystal clear” said Dr. Atul Kapur, president...

Update on e-liquid flavour restrictions


Almost 14 months have passed since Health Canada published draft regulations to restrict the flavourings and chemicals that could be used by e-liquid manufacturers. in vaping liquids. This post reports on developments in Canada and elsewhere that are related to restricting e-cigarette flavours. Links to more information are provided at the end of the post. Lots of...

Health Canada’s about-face on reporting requirements for the vaping industry is a bad sign for public health


PRESS RELEASE.  July 26, 2022 Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada (PSC) is concerned that Health Canada’s recently circulated draft regulations to require  vaping product manufacturers to provide the department with information on its products and activities reflect a departmental priority for the concerns of business over the public health benefit of better information on what...

Parliamentarians urged to revisit the tobacco and vaping law they approved four years ago.


  EDMONTON, AB and OTTAWA, ON and MONTREAL, May 28, 2022 – Health organizations are calling on Senators and Members of Parliament to address the weaknesses in the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act (TVPA) which they passed in the spring of 2018. “Four years later, the flaws in the law and the weaknesses in the strategy it supported are increasingly apparent,” said Cynthia...

Health Canada trims its tobacco control sails


In April 2021, two more documents were released by Health Canada which set out how the department plans to address the health consequences of tobacco use and vaping. The first is Health Canada’s Forward Regulatory Plan for 2022-2024, and the second is the internal evaluation of Health Canada’s activities, including management’s response to the recommendations made by...

The First Four Years: The legislative review of the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act.


May 23, 2022 marks four years since Royal Assent was given to the legislation that turned the Tobacco Act into the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act. On that day, the Minister of Health is obliged by law to submit to both the Senate and the House of Commons a report on the “review of the provisions and operation of this...

Recent press releases


Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada
134 Caroline Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario

‌  ‌‌‌613 600 5794
@‌  psc (at)